Being Like Dad

“Carla, your TV’s too loud! What are you deaf?” professes my 48 year old dad while I am trying to listen and integrate into my life the wise words of Angelina Jolie. He comes to my room and shuts the door (in a very mild manner) to show just how loud my TV is.

I tone down the volume and open my door (or else, I will die from the heat that this country has been penalized with). Everyone’s happy.

Ten minutes later a cry is heard, “DADDDDYYYY!! I can’t hear Angelina Jolie talk about SHILOH!!!!” and it’s my turn to run to their room and try to shut the door.

This continues on until my mom jolts awake and asks the both of us to keep quiet- she was the main reason for the volume fight.

Dad and I make up after five minutes. We end up jolting down the famous Brazo De Mercedes (I swear to you it’s HEAVENLY. Email me if you want to know the details) and satisfy our sweet tooth but end up fighting again after five minutes because we grew tired of teasing each other because our tummy has grown to enormous proportions. It’s like having a baby Brazo de Mercedes inside of us.

Our rib cages are protruding but our tummies? Hell no. After eating anything carbo loaded and sweet, it grows like a bowling ball.

Hilarious? I don’t think so.

Then, we talk about latest movies, the box office, Obama vs. Clinton, latest gadgets and how we can lose that darn tummy.

He is also the only person who can call me “Bachi” on account of my past heavy days (not just the tummy darling).

To my dad, I’d always be the six year old girl who wouldn’t get invited to join games like Doctor Quack Quack and Coconut-nut game (remember the song?) because I was too heavy. I was also made “it” because I could never run fast enough to save my life.
My dad has witnessed every single event that has happened in my life and I am blessed to have that stability.

Strangely enough, to me, he would always remain that 35 year old basketball player, an image of a really old picture of his pops into my mind.

My dad would also be “mighty man”, “superman”, “batman” and “Gordon Bombay” to me. He’d always be my hero and the guy that I would benchmark all the other guys who come into my life to.

He’d be the perfect example and a voice that I would always be hearing when it comes to making choices in life.

Another odd thing is the fact that my dad and I are more alike in more ways than I could ever admit.

We both loving reading the newspaper all morning long (which is quite impossible)

We both love SWEETS

We both have that ahem “dry” sense of humor

We’d always be forgiving and less judgmental than we should be

We can spend 24/7 watching TV
We get absorbed in our problems, keep it to ourselves and would not even give a hint as to what is going on.

We smile ALL THE TIME and the littlest jokes make us laugh

We are both gifted with really bad dancing skills

We order the same thing in the same restaurant

Our noses would forever be buried in a book

We love talking about gadgets that my mom would NEVER let us buy.

That’s how crazy the realization is. Most girls would like to admit that they’re more like their moms and that their dads just don’t get it.

Well, I’d have to say 50-50. There are some things that my dad would get, and some things that my mom would.

But that’s a good thing because I get to look at both sides of the story.

But that’s another blog post all together.

In tribute to Father’s Day, I would just like to say how wonderful my life is because he’s here with me. How much I’ve grown stronger because he told me that’s the only way to get through life and how he told me to enjoy the moment and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow and not waste a single moment over analyzing things.

And though I may never admit this to him, he has showed me what to look for in a man.

My dad may be a man of few words, but he doesn’t need a thousand because in his actions alone, he has taught me more than I should know.

Now, let me watch Tyra.


It’s been a long time since I “blogged” and someone would probably expect me to have a catchier headline but that’s catchier as it can get and it provides something to lift someone’s day.

I’m so being doctor phil here, maybe my without a blog month has made me go ballistic.

Anyway, the past month’s been good and the weekend was even better.

I saw my cousins again– something I haven’t done in a long time and it was really great seeing them, especially my sexy cousin, Ate Pam *wink*


You know what else makes me the coolest?


And I ate a hotdog.

I fell in love with spidey all over again.

Well not spidey or maryjane,

I fell in love with harry.

Young, young love.

Anyway, GO AND WATCH Spiderman better than the second!
Trust me:)


The entire week I have been asking myself whether or not, I should be mad, angry and bitter. Trust me when I say that I’ve been actually contemplating it. I’ve been contemplating to get mad at the world because it hasn’t been good to me.

But, I don’t think I have the right to do so because it’s treating my family right and you know me, as long as my family’s good I am.

The past three days has had its up and downs and I’ve come to realize that you can’t have everything.

There’s that whole understanding of equilibrium, one that I’ve come to know in my earlier days have resurfaced in my brain once again and I feel better.

Right now, I want to kick that person who said my tummy’s big. She said it to the entire class!

But then again, my best friend for ten years tell me to stop and I listen.

Darling, equilbrium.

All of a sudden, the world’s wonderful.

I’ll be okay.

A-N-G-E-R is NOT healthy

I went to chruch this morning and despite my very sleepy state, I was able to sit upright and listen.
And boy am I glad that I didn’t fall asleep on my chair because it was about anger.
I love Pastor Paul–he’s never boring. He’s just real and can actually relate to what we, normal people go through everyday.
It was as if his message was tailor-made for me.

after the service today, I was just happy.
How can I complain right?
There’s shit happening in my life, but all I have to do is fight against it.
Pastor Paul said that it’s okay to be angry over something that’s wrong such as poverty and corruption but you should do something about it instead of sulking around complaining about it.
I know I know I must be guilty of that. But it’s time for a change.
I saw Dreamgirls last night.
It was a great film.
Beyonce’s gorgeous and Jennifer Hudson deservers her Oscar.

Heavy thoughts on a cold and beautiful morning

“Oh, It’s taking so long,
I could be wrong,
I could be ready,
But if I take my heart’s advice,
I should assume, it’s still unsteady,
I am in repair
I’m not together

But I’m getting there”


Before I went to sleep last night, there was a billion and one thoughts buzzing into my head about what I should blog about, but when I got up this morning all those thoughts disappeared on me and I might be “blog-less” again for the first day of March.

But, hang on, the heavens are finally being good to me, because I remember one major thing that I really wanted to blog about late last night.


I watched The Prestige last night and at the beginning of the movie, it was a bit boring since I knew nothing about magic, but towards the end, I was so glad that I had the time to actually watch.

The movie evoked the consequences of envy, greed and jealousy.
It’s very dangerous and it tends to ruin the lives of those who are envious of other people.

A person who is filled envy is bound to make everyone miserable just because they are.

They badly want to have what the other person has that they don’t realize what’s right in front of them.

Somehow, they must always be better than everyone, than the person that they hate the most.

Hate is a powerful world.

But envy ruins things.

Other than destroying one’s self confidence, it ruins people’s relationships as well.

We must understand though, that envy doesn’t ruin other people’s lives as much as it ruins the person who’s filled with wrath.

Some people might think that by stealing one’s friend, boyfriend or material things, that person can be happy.

At the beginning of such distortion, maybe…

However, at the end of the day, when you lie in bed..

All you think of is that you’d never be satisfied and this is because you can never be the person you envy.

All you have is YOURSELF. And no matter how many partners you have, how many friends, how many achievements– you would never be truly happy unless you accept who you are.

No one can ask you to do that, no on can force you to do that.

I know it’s just nine in the morning and this is heavy stuff, but I hope it helps.

You see, envy doesn’t hit just the Cruella De Vils of the world, it hits everyone. It tries to destroy family relationships and what could be a good friendship.

Trust me, just like Anguier.

I went through it too.

It doesn’t do anyone, any good.


Almost Wrecked

Yesterday I wrote a really long entry about how a specific girl has been saying nasty things not just about me but also my family and my lovelife-which is pretty pathetic, because despite my huge admiration for Mark Wahlberg, Edward Burns, Roger Federer and of course, Leonardo Dicaprio, I don’t need a guy to complete me or my life. My life is just fine.


In highschool it was pretty much peer pressure that pushed me to have a date for MY first prom night, but I learned my lesson early since I didn’t attend our final prom. It’s stupid to depend my life or the validation of who I am on a guy and it’s not conceit.

To set the record straight I am not sucha huge cynic and that I don’t entertain having guys in my life but my point is this: I’m not the type who would hate my life just because I don’t have a man who would love me and all those mushy stuff. Yes, it’s probably a good feeling and it might be a must for one to go through that even once..


I won’t die just because a guy is not into me or whatever.

Sorry to say,

That’s pathetic.

I’ m not trying to be all out mean here. I enjoy it when my friends have lovelifes to speak of, but it’s never been an issue for me.

So, I guess that has not been an insult for me. No biggie.

Maybe someday, I’d meet someone but I’m not going to start living my life when he comes, if it happens, it happens.

And no, I’m not a sad girl because of that.

Also, if ever I do have one, I wouldn’t acutally parade them around or post a gazillion pictures of us on any of the “friends network” well because it’s MY LIFE and I don’t need to parade a guy around so people could see that I am worth someone’s attention.

Again, it’s not being so sure of myself.

I just know that the Lord is in me.

That’s worth being confident about. Don’t you think?

My one and only love

To those of you who have been nice enough to actually read my life’s nothingness, you would probably sick of hearing me say that I AM IN LOVE WITH ONE TREE HILL. I have been in love with the said show eversince I was fourteen and Nathan Scott has been my dreamboat from that time as well. I was determined to marry Nathan Scott.

Now, a lot has happened over the past eighteen years and I have come across different TV shows that I have come to love but not one show has ever come close to One Tree Hill.

Every season makes me fall for Tree Hill harder and I hope that when I finally come around to getting a boyfriend, I’m hoping that I’d have that same dedication as I have with Tree Hill.

Come on, it’s not everyday that you get excited over something or cry over something- happy tears, that is. Or constantly learn something new.

I guess the main reason why I wrote this article is due to the fact that I think my love for one tree hill is one of the metaphors to describe my would be lovelife.

Somehow, I guess, I am asking for a lot.

“Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there…because you can’t remember a time in your life when it wasn’t. But then one day you feel something else-something that feels wrong, only because it’s so unfamiliar. And in that moment you realize…you’re happy.”

“Happiness comes in many forms-in the company of good friends, in the feeling you get when you make someone else’s dream come true, or in the promise of hope renewed. It’s okay to let yourself be happy because you never know how fleeting that happiness might be.”

“Have you ever wondered what marks our time here-if one life can really make an impact on the world or if the choices we make matter? Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to go back…in this case, just a few minutes.”

“Have you ever wondered what marks our time here-if one life can really make an impact on the world or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives-for better or worse.”

“There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment who will you be? Will you let down your defenses and find solace in someone unexpected? Will you reach out? Will you face your greatest fears bravely or move forward with faith? Or will you succumb to the darkness in your soul?”

“Did you ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many people have pictures of you, how many moments of other people’s lives we’ve been in. Were we part of someone’s life when their dream came true, or were we there when their dreams died? Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there? Or did the shot take us by surprise? Just think, you could be a big part of someone else’s life, and not even know it.”

“There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. Afraid. Confused. Without a roadmap. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us would rather turn around and go back. But once in awhile people push on to something better-something found just beyond the pain of going it alone and just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in. Or to give someone a second chance.Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream. Because it’s only when you’re tested that you discover who you truly are. And it’s only when you’re tested that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist, somewhere on the other side of hard work, faith and belief, and beyond heartache and fear of what lies ahead.”

Stephen King wrote: Time takes it all. Whether you want it to or not, time takes it all away, time bares it away. And in the end, there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness, and sometimes we lose them there again.

“At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes…all you need is one.” “Nathan, it’s been said that there’s one word that will free us from the weight and the pain of life. And that word is love. And I believe that. That doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been hard, or that it won’t be. It just means that I’ve found a stillness and a bravery in myself when I’m with you. You make me brave. And I will love you until the end of time. This I vow to you today.”

Oh John Mayer<333

I’m going to find another you (hell yeah, I am!!)

It’s really over, you made your stand
You got me crying, as well as you planned
But when my loneliness is through, I’m gonna find another you

You take your sweaters
You take your
might have your reasons but you will never have my rhymes
I’m gonna sing my way away from blue
I’m gonna find another you

When I was your lover
No one else would do
If I’m forced to find another, I hope she looks like you
Yeah and she’s nicer too
So go on baby
Make your little get away
My pride will keep me company
And you just gave yours all away
Now I’m gonna dress myself for two
Once for me and once for someone new
I’m gonna do somethings you wouldn’t let me do
Oh I’m gonna find another you

Slow dancing in a burning room

It’s not a silly little moment
It’s not the storm before the calm
This is the deep and dyin breath of
This love we’ve been workin on

Can’t seem to hold you like
I want to
So I can feel you in my arms
Nobody’s gonna come and save you
We pulled too many false alarms
We’re goin down
And you can see it too
We’re goin down
And you know that we’re doomed
My dear We’re slow dancing in a burnin room
I was the one you always dreamed of
You were the one I tried to draw
How dare you say it’s nothing to me
Baby, you’re the only light I ever saw
I’ll make the most of all the sadness
You’ll be a bitch because you can
You try to hit me just hurt me
So you leave me feeling dirty
Because you can’t understand
We’re goin down
And you can see it too
We’re goin down
And you know that we’re doomed
My dear
We’re slow dancing in a burnin room
Go cry about it why don’t you

Some of us, We’re hardly ever here
The rest of us, we’re born to disappear
How do I stop myself from
Being just a number will I hold my head
To keep from going under
Down to the wireI wanted water but
But I’ll walk through the fire
If this is what it takes
To take me even higher
Then I’ll come through
Like I do
When the world keeps
Testing me, testing me,testing me
How did they find me here
What do they want from me
All of these vultures hiding
Right outside my door
I hear them whisperin
They’re tryin to ride it out
Cause they’ve never gone this long
Without a kill before
Down to the wireI wanted water butI’ll walk through the fire
If this is what it takes
To take me even higher
Then I’ll come throughLike I do
When the world keeps
Testing me, testing me, testing me
Wheels upI got to leave this evening
Can’t seem to shake these vultures
Off of my trail
Power is made, by power being taken
So I keep on running
To protect my situation

(Also listen to James Morrison -who is another genius)

Truth Of The Matter Is…

When I got to school today I didn’t find the gut feel to throw or trample every flower and/or chocolate that I saw and neither did I wear black and/or wore a frown on my face.

I am still disgusted over the fact that people commercialize V-day just to add profits. Okay, okay it’s my course and all, but seriously, isn’t Christmas so much better and more genuine?
I guess you really can’t blame those with special someone-s or be mad over the fact that that kind of love still exsists.
Not bad.

I hate multiply.
And just because people use it to show off and trash other people.
I love Hilary Duff!!!
I used to love Nicole Ritchie as much but it’s now a lesser kind of love because she stole Hilary’s first love, Joel Madden away.
I hate it when guys:
A) Flirt with you even if they’re attached
B) Brag about the exes
C) Brag abotu thier cars
D) Brag about the bars that they’ve been to
A little intelligence please.
Enjoy the rest of the mushy day and if you’re heartbroken or just hate this day…

OH BOY!! It’s THAT time of the year again!!!

And I am not talking about Christmas!!
I am proud to say that I am not obsessing about V-day this year, unlike last year. I haven’t actually noticed the fact that it would be V-day on Wednesday until I read the papers today.

However, it still annoyed me that everything was bout valentine’s day but I am no longer as cynical as I used to be. So allow me to be a bit mushy, okay?

I’m thinking of doing something nice for my parents and my baby brother and send messages to my friends but I would no longer wish and hope, wish and hope, wish and hope.

I am proud to say that I have stopped wishing on destiny. If there would be someone for me, he would appear… at the right time. I don’t have to look for him neither must I change myself and how I look because when he comes he’d like me for who I am and vice versa.

The journey of searching for love that happened three years ago has stopped. I no longer search for it, no longer do I cry over the fact that my crush-of-the moment hasn’t reciprocated my “love” for him. Hard to believe but I also stopped having crushes on REAL GUYS ( Roddick, Timberlake, Federer and my beloved, Dicaprio doesn’t really count), what’s the point of being useless on such useless thing?

This may be an embarrassing thing to say but there was a guy, who wasn’t from school, who I liked for such a long time and there was a time (erk) when I’d get up in the morning and feel so bad because he wasn’t interested. I never told him that I liked him though or did anything to make him feel that he’s special. But I’m the type of person who would just know if a guy doesn’t like me and for a very painful year that consumed my life.
It was stupid.
It was stupid to base my happiness on just that.
The Lord took away the emotions because I asked him to, that person was definitely not for me and He made me realize that.

Maybe that’s the reason why I am not cynical anymore, instead, I’m celebrating because you know what?

I create my own happiness and never again would I depend on a man to make me happy. I can do that on my own, my family can do that for me.

The Lord can do that for me.

And that my friend, is definitely worth smiling about.

Hope you find something to smile about too this week.

Have a great mushy week!:)