So It’s Me


I have not written an entry in a really long time and in blog years, that could amount to a century of not being heard.

Well, after my last extremely emotional experience with specific people, my entire system just shut down and moved on to being this robot that works ten hours a day, goes to class and tries to find a way to unblock specific sites at work (I have not been successful, except for you tube. Which gets really boring after awhile).

But life’s been good, looking back, I really don’t know where the drama rooted from but I guess it was well worth something. I see things from a different perspective now and it has been easier for me to let go of people who are meant to be in my life for only a time and be thankful for the people who are there.

I guess in a matter of weeks, I have altered my life’s perspective, slowly but surely and everything has been better. I guess I needed to lay off the writing for awhile so I could fully enjoy this right drizzle of beauty in my life without having to overanalyze it (I tend to psychoanalyze things a lot). So my life’s been quiet and happy since I’ve been hitting a lot of targets at work and I’m almost done with the first semester of school and THAT VACAY at the start of next month is another thing to look forward to! Whoot!

Other than that, everything’s been quiet, I guess it gets like this when you’re rearranging your life and replacing the old with the new. I was watching 90210 and Shannon Dohrety’s Character said something about history not being enough to hold a relationship of any kind together.

Also, I’ve come to realize that God truly intends to give me the best in any given situation and a manifestation of that was shown to me last Sunday and it’s so beautiful that I’d rather not share it here first. I just know that the Lord has a wonderful plan for everything and I believe, that it’s just about to start <3