Tuesday People


Writing, as of late, is something that i do 24/7. There’s writing for my PR work, writing for my column, and other gigs I’ve picked up over the years. When I see how far I’ve come from the Pocahontas diary slugging seven year old that I was, I always whisper a thanks because never did I imagine that God would bless me with a job that I love with a different kind of zeal. 

This, however, is the reason why I don’t write on this blog as much as I used to. 
However tonight, with my heart full, I just felt like writing with no sole purpose. There’s no brand to promote, no topic to stick to, and no deadline to meet. It’s like swimming for hours under the summer sun, blissfully enjoying it because you knew there would be no bedtime to catch up with or homework to do. 
Today, I decided to put down the Stephen King novel I have been reading for awhile in order to dive into an old classic – Tuesdays with Morrie. I was a sophomore in highschool when I first came across this wonderful piece of literature. I was a sullen, non-conformist soon to be sixteen year old and words always resounded with me. Before being introduced to Morrie, I was already a vivacious reader but Morrie’s story through the brilliant storytelling of Mitch Albom resonated with me. 
I clung to my borrowed copy of Tuesdays with Morrie for days, writing down notes, and putting them on my blog as a way to describe myself and what I believed in – love, compassion, and kindness. 
Recently, I have been wondering where I picked up my desire to be good even when I was struggling with my own inner demons, and what inspired my sunny disposition no matter what life brought. 
Rereading the tale of Morrie reminded me of where I picked it up from- that book. It reminded me of the joy and hope that fueled in me when I read that book at sixteen, Morrie’s words promised me of a brighter future- one that I barely saw in the din halls of my highschool. 
And reading this now, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed at how much this book impacted me and how it got me going. It reminded me of what it made me value at a young age and how powerful words can truly be. 
It also made my heart glow with gratitude because it reminded me of how far I have come from that insecure girl who bravely believed in a better future simply because of the words of a man she has never met. It has also reminded me of what mattered most in life, and despite the many times I’ve devoured that book, it has also taught me a new lesson: to let love in because love is the only rational act.