i can do so much better …


I have no idea how to begin this entry. I really dont. I dont want to be all mushy about it since I promised that ill just let it go. But as I always say… this is my blog and this may be my only way to vent.

You see, I like you. I really do. I believe that you’re not what people assume you to be. I have faith but that faith is not strong enough for me to fight for you. There’s someone else who genuinely likes you and Im not that person. I just don’t know what I want really, simply because right now, its not a priority. I care but I guess that isnt enough. I really enjoy your company but again that’s not enough.

Its not that I’m giving you away, its just that I can feel her pain and i can see that she cant live without you. Just do your thing with her.

I’ll be okay and trust me, Im not bruised that badly. Its just me being dramatic, which is pretty normal… so please, Im more than okay.:)

If you need a friend… you know where to find me. cause right now… that is all I can offer. *wink*