NO, it’s not that time of the year


From the moment that I heard my father’s voice waking me up this morning (alarm clocks just doesn’t work for me. Everyone else at home is awake, except for me) I was thinking, “No, I just want to sleep sleep sleep”

I have no idea why I was so against going to school today since I’m usually all over Thursdays since after that day, I get to rest.

I was so lazy to get up, that I pretended to “strech” for ten long minutes before I got out of bed. Turns out, we left later than usual.

I could see my dad’s ears turning red. He hates the 7:00 congestion at my school.

I still don’t have on definite reason why I didn’t want to go to school today. I’m just really so tired.

I’ve been starting to think again so much in the past few days, things that I would rather not share with the world.
Most of the time, they’re just plain boring to even spend five minutes of my day writing about.
If you’ve read my previous entry, you’d probably think, “ how shallow”
But the whole conversation with a good friend is simply just a metaphor.