A couple of thoughts gathered while enjoying what’s left of my lunch


* An old quote that I ran across yesterday:

Peter Pan said that the only way that I could fly is to think of happy thoughts, so I did.

I thought of you and I didn’t just fly, I soared. =)


Quoting Arvin’s Message sent at 12:00 PM, “Sige ba” So we all know that it’s pushing through, because without Mr. Pagdonsolan’s presence, there would be no party to speak of. Arvin has always been the life of the party

* Timbaland’s SHOCK VALUE


* Parents know best

They have a way of worming into your head and making you realize that you can never run away from growing up.

* Neverland

There are just some moments wherein I wish that Peter Pan would truly drag me away and take me to a place wherein I’m not allowed to grow up:)