Does this mean that I’m old? (for daisy and kae’s sake, they love surveys as much as i do!)


if you were born before 1993, then this
survey should be easy for you to
fill out! If you’re not, don’t even
bother, you’ll just be confused!

1. What year were you born in?
– 1988=p

2 . Did you ever watch sineskwela?
– ohmigod, yeah!

3 . Backstreet boys or NSYNC?
– NSYNC ALL THE WAY!!!! bsb didn’t even come close!! I had a crazy obsession with Lance, who turned out to be gay. tsk!

4. Did you watch S Club 7?
– YES. It was shown on disney channel at 7 pm, weeknights. *wink wink* isn’t another member gay too? there’s something about the 90s=p

5. What was your favorite, Sandlot or
Little Rascals?
– Little Rascals! I would watch it everyday!!!!!! L is for the way you look at me… You are so beauuutttiifffulll to me…!!:)

6 . Did you ever have light up sneakers?

7. What was your favorite thing about
– fifth to sixth grade: seeing crush of the day (somethings never change) and choosing between hen lin or samurai and in fifth grade, we were always finding ways to get to english class late to piss sir calsado off (THE FAN DID IT!)

first to fourth grade: 10-20! although I cannot jump for the life of me!

8. Cedi o Sarah?
– Princess Sarah baby! I still watch the reruns!:p

9. Did you wake up really early just
to watch cartoons on Saturday morning?
– still do! ohmigod, wish they still showed sabrina, the cartoon series. they used to have a superb sked, sabrina then recess, guaranteed if you woke up at 6 am!!

10. What was your favorite holiday?
– Valentine’s Day because I was always hoping that Paolo Roces would give me flowers. laughtrip. KC would find this funny, right CHi?