Yesterday I wrote a really long entry about how a specific girl has been saying nasty things not just about me but also my family and my lovelife-which is pretty pathetic, because despite my huge admiration for Mark Wahlberg, Edward Burns, Roger Federer and of course, Leonardo Dicaprio, I don’t need a guy to complete me or my life. My life is just fine.
In highschool it was pretty much peer pressure that pushed me to have a date for MY first prom night, but I learned my lesson early since I didn’t attend our final prom. It’s stupid to depend my life or the validation of who I am on a guy and it’s not conceit.
To set the record straight I am not sucha huge cynic and that I don’t entertain having guys in my life but my point is this: I’m not the type who would hate my life just because I don’t have a man who would love me and all those mushy stuff. Yes, it’s probably a good feeling and it might be a must for one to go through that even once..
I won’t die just because a guy is not into me or whatever.
Sorry to say,
That’s pathetic.
I’ m not trying to be all out mean here. I enjoy it when my friends have lovelifes to speak of, but it’s never been an issue for me.
So, I guess that has not been an insult for me. No biggie.
Maybe someday, I’d meet someone but I’m not going to start living my life when he comes, if it happens, it happens.
And no, I’m not a sad girl because of that.
Also, if ever I do have one, I wouldn’t acutally parade them around or post a gazillion pictures of us on any of the “friends network” well because it’s MY LIFE and I don’t need to parade a guy around so people could see that I am worth someone’s attention.
Again, it’s not being so sure of myself.
I just know that the Lord is in me.
That’s worth being confident about. Don’t you think?