Big Enough


Something snapped inside of me when I woke up today and I just knew that it was going to be a good week, heck, I knew that it was going to be a good month-period.

I’m on an optimistic run and I do believe that the last two months of ’08 will be a good one and I’m pretty excited to see what suprises the last quarter of the year has in store for me.

I do hope that Obama wins on Tuesday (Wednesday-our time)! That would keep a huge smile on my face for sure. 🙂

Well, not much drama has been happening and I spent the weekend on random dvd marathons: I’ve fallen in love with movies made nine-ten years ago. Remember when Freddie Prinze Jr. was Zac Efron? Those were the days! I cannot imagine Zac Efron being a has-been, well a few years from now maybe, hopefully not!

It just feels good to have a big enough heart to accomodate a lot of people and love a lot of people.

It feels good to love people even if they don’t deserve it, it’s nice to give back, because God knows that once, I have not been deserving to be loved as well and yet He and my family, friends etc did.

Okay, I know this is amatueur writing on my part but I only have a few minutes left on my lunch break and my brain is just turning into mush! It’s the weather.

But I do hope that I get my point across 🙂

Have a good rainy week ahead 🙂