“He did not retaliate when He was insulted nor threatened revenge when He suffered. He left His case in the hands of God who judges fairly” 1 Peter 2: 23
My brother was cheated on a business deal today and since I’d like to think that I’m everyone’s little miss superwoman (sidekick only present when necessary!) of course I wanted to bury those nuggets to the ground.
I read this passage today and of course I want to kick myself for reacting the way I did.
In reality, people can push me all they want but I have this intense kind of loyalty for the people that I love and that includes my older brother and my older sister.
But the God wanted me to stop living that kind of life.
God wanted me to take a step back and believe that He is working for the people that I love and He would replace everything that was stolen (in this case, please do check the litteral meaning!).
So, there, the big mouth is shutting up, even if I want to strangle those people.
Well maybe I am saying this:
Popits Philippines is no longer under my brother, Ryan Robles or under our/his family. So if any of those nuggets try to sell them to you, well we brought them to you first.
No go back to those Havianas or FIT FLOPS!!!!!!!