happy hyenasary:)


We’re college students and almost legal (i’m almost legal in less than a month, ain’t that cool) but that doesn’t excuse us from acting less than silly. Of course after a year into this crazy and wild friendship, we’ve been through our own drama (ohgad, it just keeps getting in the WAY!!!) but we’ve managed to get pass that and become better. Now, I don’t want to get all cheesy and mushy but i am so glad that at the end of the day I’ve got my two hyenas to back me up. In a sense, its comforting to know that I don’t have to explain anything to them- they just get it, even the constant mood swings and the irreplacable need to vent about something totally irrelevant every FIVE minutes. i LOVE them to death and of course, aside from family members, they are the ones who totally know everything about me and my aheem… non existent lovelife. wehehe. I love you girls and to more years of wonderful craziness.:)