I’m not going to write you a love song..


… Because I can post a letter on multiply instead. HAHA =D

Hey You,

For the past five years but most especially in the last two years of that five years (gets mo yan haha), there are days when I wake up and immediately, I think of you simply because the dream I just had were visions of you and the damned what could be phrase that I’ve overused in the past week.

It’s another one of those horrible Vday weekends but I’m happy because I’ve got friends and family to make and keep me happy.

There’s nothing more that I would want than to be with you and tell you how wondeful you are.

That’s the thing, I don’t even know if you know how appreciated you are. You are the most wonderful man I’ve ever met, even if you are tainted and flawed.

You’re magnificent: simply and truly.

I guess the point of this whole entry is to let you know that I’m thinking of you on this silly holiday and unlike what you believe, you won’t add sorrow to my “perfect” life, but you’d make something ordinary something special.
