A huge thanks, a bunch of kissess and a tight hug to the following people who made me smile over the last couple of days:
Robbie Jane Flores: without your text messages yesterday, I don;t know how I would have survived. I’m so glad we’re in touch again. I LOVE YOU SOOO SOO MUCH 🙂
Karla Villareal: just because you’re my best friend! 🙂
Kae Davantes: Because you’re my enlighten-er. haha 🙂
Lisa Linaugo: Your office is my place of solace :))
Memsie Monfort: For allowing me to make gigil over you when I get kilig, for my spaghetti and my coffee!! yaay!:) haha!
Faye Bonifacio: for putting up with my text messages. ha ha ha 🙂
Kara Arigo: Just because you’re Kara and you always always reply to my messages, you always pray for me and well, I just love you 🙂
Dee Villarama: Thanks for your prayers and your invite. 🙂
My Gym Buddies: Grace, Sarah and Ed-ong! Haha 🙂 We’ll be sexy by November. That’s the deal 🙂
Wendy Tabusala, LA Aguinaldo, Rene Aligonero, Ms. Madge, Ivan and Neil, Elydia Reyes: For helping me get over the nerves last Wednesday. Very much appreciated!! 🙂
And to YOU: you rock, that’s all I can say. Thanks for making my heart SWELL.