When I was in college, I never had a definite plan of what I wanted to do but I was always definitive of who I wanted to be. I wanted to be a woman of strength and independence. I didn’t know how to get there when I graduated at 19 but I was singleminded in my pursuit: I didn’t want to depend on anyone.
And now, nearly eight years later, I realized I have become the woman I have always wanted to be. But the road to getting to where I am was not hurt free. I once thought that independence meant being free from rejection, disappointment, and hurt but I realized that true independence means going through all of that and not buckling. The road, eight years down, was difficult and there are just days when I cry in utter helplessness but I remind myself of the woman I’ve always wanted to be. I remind why I decided to take the path less taken and I’m filled with strength again.
Encouraging messages from friends help a lot too and soon, I stop asking life what it’s been giving me lately and remind myself that the only way to make the most out of this independence is to give back to others.
So I’m just virtually giving myself a pat on the back, especially after the month I’ve had and I keep going again.