“Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ’till its gone…”
Big Yellow Taxi -counting crows
May’s almost finished. School is about to start and I could kiss my lazy summer days goodbye.=) I haven’t had a good sleep in a week, I miss school and my friends.
I had a good conversation with an old friend last night. He already started school and without a doubt he told me that he missed highschool. I couldn’t agree more. Sometimes we get so wrapped around the new things, worried about what the future holds that we forget how wonderful it is to just sit down and talk with an old friend about the good old times.
It felt so good to talk to someone who knew you for quite sometime already. He knew me well enough to know that sometimes I babble and don’t make sense at all. he knew me well enough that we would keep quiet during the important scenes of Feng Shui and then get back to the conversation after another person gets killed.
I miss that. I miss not having to explain myself. Although, the thought of having new people in my life is exciting and at times scary, I don’t think im ready to go through that just yet.
Despite me changing my name, I am still the same old me.=) A little more mature…but still the same.=)
Haay, I never thought i’d actually miss my highschool friends until that conversation last night. I am looking forward to more conversations like the one I had last night. Two old friends talking about life and everything in between. A great feeling.
It is true, distance makes the heart grow fonder. That’s true even for those who are just friends…trust me on this=)