of things with which I cannot control


Life hasn’t been a smooth road lately. In fact, its been one helluva of a ride for the past three weeks. Its been so crazy, I’ve been experiencing just setbacks and high highs in a matter of 24 hours. The problems are really way too personal for me to write down even on my very own blog. I just don’t like going through the details of something as agonizing at this. But then again, there’s a reason for everything, I always believed in that but still there’s that sting. I am continually praying for it, for my life in general and how I face each situation that come my way.

I’m joyous though despite the pressure and the need for a break from all this insanity.


Growing up and life in itself.


I just really don’t want to complain about it cause just like all the other things in this world…it too will pass.

(A shout out to kara and kae who listened to me rant last thursday. i love you both mwah!)