Off The Circuit


Man, February was tough!

It was like the weeks of February were competing for the “worst week” award and I am so glad that it is finally over! While I was formulating this entry in my head, I had so much angst inside of me that I wanted to write everything I was feeling with matching sniffles and tears.

But thank God, I took a moment to regain some sanity and I realised that while February was tough for me, I bet it was tougher for other people. It has been said that tough times show what someone is made of and it is safe to say that I have surprised myself in the past couple of weeks (more so in the last couple of days).

That being said (and this is still quite weird to me since I still think my blog is a diary that nobody ever reads) I am taking a social media hiatus for awhile, I am still undecided as to how long this will be, but most likely I will be gone from the social hemisphere for ten days.

While there are days when I thought that I could still control my social media usage, I have realised that on most days I feel like I have had too much junk food, but this time around I get the feeling from having way too much social media junk in me.

While information and keeping in touch with friends from out of the country are good things, “stalking” other people and becoming sad because my life is nowhere near the illusion of theirs.

There are deeper reasons as to why I have to bow down from social media from awhile but I would rather not divulge that insanity here, all I know is that for someone who has her phone constantly glued to my hand, this will be a major step! But my heart needs the rest and I need to realign my life and find the person I used to be before getting tangled in this virtual web.

That being said, thank you (whoever you are kind enough to drop by my blog!) for always taking the time to read my words and my blooper girl adventures and I pray, that whatever it is that you are praying for will be answered.

So just allow me to type one more blog entry after this one and it’s goodbye for now. 🙂