We live in a filtered world. We have moved on from perfecting our digital camera smiles to upload on Multiply and Friendster to perfecting our selfies and filters on Instagram. We used to hide our imperfections through angling and dim lighting but today we have become experts in making ourselves looking perfect on our screens.
Everyday we are bombarded with images of beautiful people and if we are not careful, we would easily get lost in what the world seems as “perfect”. This is especially true for my line of work, these thoughts were on my mind when I decided to approach an old friend and super hip blogger, Angela “The Gela Beef” Munoz. We have long wanted to partner on an entry together but we wanted our blog entry to be meaningful. It took months for our schedules to meet and for us to decide on a topic that was worth talking about and finally, we found a topic that hit close to home: finding confidence in our imperfections.
In a world where everyone craves to look their best, we wanted to take photos that showcased how we looked with no make up, no filters, and no edits. I personally feared the shoot at first because my skin has been a little bit wonky later. I also wanted to work on an angle that I was previously not comfortable with. Gela and I wanted to show girls that despite the cleanliness of our Instagram feeds, we also have insecurities.
I won’t be shy to admit that sometimes likes make me feel good about myself. I used to have the habit of posting “beautiful” selfies whenever I felt down but realized it was futile. Doing this project was therapeutic because truly there’s beauty in being who I am.
In a world that tempts us to always look our “selfie” best, embracing our differences is what liberates us. I used to shrivel in hiding trying to conceal my big lips and my anti- Filipino looks (believe me being tall and big boned doesn’t work in my favor in the Philippines) but lately, by the grace of God, I am finding joy in my traits that that make me different in the hopes of inspiring others to do the same.
Instead of hiding away while trying to blend in with the crowd, I have learned to trust that God has a reason in making me me and that includes my flaws. Gela was right in saying that often our flaws is what people love the most. And accepting one’s self has gone beyond just looks, I am also learning to embrace what makes me odd, quirky, and believe that the people God intends to be in our lives would love us for who we are so we have to stop cowering in fear, hoping nobody notices what makes us different.
God has a plan for you and your flaws will help propel that plan. He cannot bless who you pretend to be.
It is in our goal to tell women everywhere that it’s totally okay to be free in who you are. It’s okay to want to look great but it’s also fine to relish in your after workout glow with no make up.
Itis perfectly fine to look at yourself in the morning with no trace of filters and make up and actually relish in your quirkiness. We hope this inspires you to no longer hide your imperfections but instead fall in love them, own them, and shine in the way God intended you to.
Sharing with you my favorite quote by Marianne Williamson on shining so others can shine in the hopes of brightening up your week. Also, don’t forget to visit www.gelabeef.com to hear her inspiration story.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”