I was fortuante enough to see Pursuit of HappYness last night. To begin with I am a major Will Smith fan and to see him in a serious movie wasn’t disappointing at all. I fell in love with his adorable son, Jaden.
The movie IS great, everyone should watch it when it “legally” comes out (hihihihi). I cried the entire time I was watching the movie, the emotions were raw and the situations were true.
Everyone goes through tough times and we are all allowed to pursue our own happiness. While there are people who care too much about ruining other people’s joy, there are people like Christopher and Chris who don’t even have a place to stay or food to eat.
We care so much about the superficialities of this world that we forget to be compassionate, we forget to be kind to human beings and we forget to look at the little things to make us happy. We search for big bangs and not knicknacks to make us happy.
The movie brought me back to earth and the harsh realities of life. Hardwork and determination does pay off and the movie inspired me to go on my own pursuit of happyness.
I think Will Smith is going to get the most conveted trophy in Hollywood for his superb acting and I hope that he does.:)
Go see the movie and have a happy day everyone!:)