I tried several times today to write down a blog entry worth writing about everything that I’ve been feeling since the weekend but I always fell short and decided to delete everything halfway through. I don’t know what’s going on with me (it’s probably the terrible headache that I’ve had since Sunday!) but for the first time in a long time, I can’t seem to find the words to express how I’m feeling and that’s probably because there’s to many emotions that I don’t even know where to start. So, this may be a misplaced entry with a lot of run-on sentences but please do bear with me 😀
I’m currently listening to Joyce Meyer speak about God’s Favor in your life and I think it’s timely for me to hear it because I’ve been under extreme pressure at work and I’ve been wanting to shift gears for awhile. BUT, and there’s a big BUT, I feel that this is where I’m supposed to be right now as opposed to be where I want to be. It can be extremely tiring and frustrating you know? Not getting what you want and having to put up with a lot of drama and ho ho-s. But, God’s favor surpasses that so I’m pretty optimistic and hopeful.
I saw Slumdog Millionaire last night and although it was a wee boring in the beginning (I think when you don’t understand certain things, it can get boring! :D), I fell in love with it, even the dance at the end was cute! J It was an interesting and smart movie. I haven’t seen a good one in a long time.
As for the matters of the heart, well, my close friends know that I’m letting that go but I finally know what I want. Most of them say that I’m too picky but I do believe that there’s that one person out there for me, so why even bother to date a million and one frogs to get to him? In God’s perfect time J
But I’m really hoping that a particular person would just learn to let it go. It’s over and done with. Stop trying to sabotage my work.
This is another lesson learned for me! Ghaad!
It just gets more complicated as you get older. Before, as long as you liked the same color, you were the best of friends but these days, it gets more complicated because you’re living different lives and somehow you can’t just make certain areas of your life meet and mash.
So sometimes, all you can do is let it go. Which is sad, but the best part about is, maybe, you’d learn to rediscover each other again.
Thank God because after three days, I don’t see stars when I type or I don’t feel like I drank three liters of coffee when I stand up. The throbbing is gone and I’m so grateful because I’ve been praying for it for the past three days.
I may have not admitted it, but I definitely felt scared.
I feel so much better. I think I just needed to write, write and write some more. It was always the number one therapy.
Enjoy the rest of the week guys! Kiss!