When the week started, the last thing on my mind was to soul search, in fact I’ve been so busy trying to send out back up resumes (don’t ask!), loosing a couple of lbs and finishing The O.C.’s season four and The Innocent Man that I didn’t even realize that I was given rare opportunities to soul search and be satisfied with what I had with me right now.
All it took were a few conversations, fixing our garden and a basketball game.
As we grow older, we tend to take our parents for granted, not that we want to, it’s just that our family falls off the top priority list when we start spending time out in the real world and “real” friends. We get so caught up in the moment that we fail to realize how important they are or how much they’re sacrificing for us.
I must admit, there are times that I go on my own version of brat mode and sometimes expect my parents to always be there for me and giving me the best in everything. What I failed to realize is the fact that in giving me everything, they sometimes forego themselves; some are little sacrifices while some are humongous ones but they hardly make a big deal out of it, like some of us would (*coughguiltycough*).
It didn’t take a major sacrifice for me to appreciate them even more this week (Araneta ain’t near and there’s no underestimating hard to find parking over there at the height of the UAAP fever! It makes me scared to watch another game!!). I really appreciate my two heroes at home and I may not always be little ms. Sunshine but I will love them forever. They spoil me in their own way. I just hope I’d deserve it someday.:)
At this very moment, I could hear the rustling of leaves and when I actually take the liberty to look out the window, I could see GREEN! HEAPS! There’s actually a garden in our new home, something that my mom have tried to avoid in my 19 years of existence! She’s never had a green thumb, but I must say things are definitely changing! So, anyway that’s beside the point. The point that I’m trying to make is the fact that there are two gardeners outside right now trying to bring things togther and I must admit, in general they don’t have an easy task on hand and I couldn’t help but feel bad. How can I ever ever complain??!
I just have so much respect for gardeners right now and those people who do those demos in the mall. I just feel like crying when I pass by one doing a demo and people ignoring or simply laughing at them. It makes me feel so bad.
Another is interesting conversation I had this week was with kuya Albert, my favorite sanitation engineer (calling them otherwise seems off to me right now) over at Carl’s school where I wait for him every day unless there’s a UAAP game (like today). He’s so funny and he always has a huge smile ready for any of us. It makes me feel bad to even use the bathroom. Anyway, while I was having coffee (don’t tell my dad) the other day, I got to talk to him because well, technically students, or ex-students aren’t allowed after 3 but I have my ways. Anyway, it surprised me to learn that he had a lot of problems! It was so moving because if you saw him everyday, you really wouldn’t notice that anything was wrong!
Again, they go up on the ladder of people that you JUST HAVE TO RESPECT. Why models or actors? They just smile. These people pick up your dirt!
I guess the main point of this entry is to inspire you guys today. There’s always something to be thankful for.