Its not goodbye


That’s what my good friend and dear batch mate Anna said and it is true. Last wednesday text messages were flooding in and most of them included this sentence, “till we meet again”.
Highschool has ended and a new chapter is about to begin. We are all scared but at the same time excited. We are leaving each other when we so badly want to stay. I am so going to miss highschool but I am also looking forward to starting a new life outside of highschool.
So, my dear seniors ’05 do not be sad. A new world has been opened for us. Let us explore, make the right choices and be models of Christ.It won’t be easy but I’m sure it would be fun. I truly believe we are the best batch. I am proud of all of you and I am really happy that we all graduated. YEEAHHHAAHHHA!=)
See you guys next week for the promised movie cause Anna’s right its not yet goodbye.
I have been blessed because I have spent the last three years with you guys. Never forget to spread the love guys.=)